
Cherished Cottage Enhanced to Offer Prime Views and Airy Living Spaces

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors

Situated on a verdant stretch of lawn overlooking the harbor, this expansive Mattapoisett retreat started out as a potential teardown. Yet the current homeowners, who live year-round in Texas, 在重新配置平面图和增加必要的平方英尺的同时,保留原有两居室结构的完整性和占地面积是可能的.

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors

The husband grew up summering in Mattapoisset, and together with his wife, decided their growing family would relish a haven in the area. To mold the home to suit their needs, 这对夫妇甚至在他们的报价被接受之前就咨询了Saltonstall建筑事务所的Will Saltonstall.

“在建筑上,我们的目标之一是充分利用场地,”Saltonstall说. “The house is on an incredible spot on the water, and we wanted to create a thoughtful design to capitalize on that.”

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors

保留原来的房子和它与社区的历史联系对业主来说很重要. The original single-story, 这所两居室的房子里有一条长长的室内走廊,里面的小房间都是分隔开的,忽略了这栋房子令人印象深刻的水景. 重新设计房子的布局需要大量的工作,但出现的可能性超过了拆除它并重新开始的选择. “房主想要保护房子,他们愿意付出一切代价来保持房子的完整性,” says Tim Costello, owner of Costello Fine 首页s, the lead builder for this project.

Working closely together with their teams and the owners, Saltonstall和Costello完全改变了住宅的结构,而没有扩大其占地面积, 创造一个宽敞优雅的家,保持其传统的根源和适当的规模.

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors

从正面看,房子是朴素的,与景观和周围的家庭和谐共存. Blue shutters compliment the shingled exterior, 还有一条圆形车道,让房主在进入房屋时能瞥见水面. New blue garage doors, designed by Designer Garage Doors, 方形覆盖层和窗框与住宅的新窗户相匹配.

在内部,宽敞的开放式房间设计用于容纳大型家庭聚会. 每个房间都与另一个房间相连,并从许多大窗户中享受到充足的自然光线, most with water views that draw in the outside environment. Inspired by the coastal environment surrounding them, the owners used texture and color to bring to mind the sand, seagrasses and shells, using beautiful natural tones, 蓝调, and greens throughout the interior decoration.

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors

重要的是, the home is not all open and bright, but also features smaller rooms, decorated with warmer tones and fabrics, where family members can retreat should they seek privacy or a cozier space. 一楼的主要家庭起居区和主卧室之间有一个休息区,这是房主特别喜欢的一个僻静的房间. Inviting green velvet couches, 一个电视, 内置的水景酒吧使这个小众空间成为放松身心的好地方.

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors

根据索尔顿斯托尔的说法,灵活的睡眠安排对房主来说也很重要. 由于有几个成年子女,房主希望能轻松地接待家庭成员和客人. 有六张内置床的双层房为孙子们提供了充足的睡眠空间.

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage DoorsSpecial details throughout the home elevate the aesthetic. In the kitchen, Mac Davis Flooring公司定制的欧洲白橡木人字形地板图案代替了地毯,与厨房地板图案的其他部分形成对比. 岛上的雕像卡拉卡塔石毗邻一个舒适的休息区,俯瞰水面. 厨房外的湿酒吧的天花板采用了Cowtan设计的蓝灰色水晶图案壁纸 & Tout, adding interest to the space. 最后, the homeowners relied on Surroundings for all their window treatments and floor coverings; working together to create unique and complimentary spaces in each room.

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors

Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端; Costello Fine 首页s; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage DoorsCostello和他的团队在现场完成了所有的木工工作,目前他们计划今年春天回到现场,对后院进行进一步的改进,包括一个附属建筑. 房主聘请了索尔顿斯托尔和巴特利特花园公司(Saltonstall and Bartlett Gardens)设计茶室和露台,并扩建了花园,以充分利用广阔的海滨草坪.

该项目在不到一年的时间内完成,即使在全球大流行的情况下也按时完成. While most design and construction decisions were made in advance, 由于团队成员的协作和他们相互倾听的能力,现场做出了几个决定. “在一些情况下,不同的团队成员提出的建议产生了更好的结果,” says Saltonstall. “成功的合作来自倾听和共同努力,而不是过于骄傲.”

当团队必须快速调整并为项目的整体成功做出贡献时,保持持续的沟通会让事情变得更容易. 房主们反应迅速,能够及时做出决定,使项目按计划进行. “Seeing the homeowners’ faces was the best takeaway for me,” says Costello. “To see how thrilled and emotional they were was by far the biggest success.”


Architecture: Saltonstall 365体育官网客户端

Construction: Costello Fine 首页s

Flooring: Mac Davis Flooring

景观 Design: Bartlett Gardens

Carpet and window treatments: Surroundings

Garage doors: Designer Garage Doors


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